Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wrapping Up February

February is quickly coming to a close, although we'll have the extra Leap day.
The past couple of days have been spent working outside around the Small garden, getting ready for spring.

I finally planted the Peonies I got bought almost TWO years ago. There is a great story to go with the Peony trip, but it deserves its own post.

I bought some Johnnie Jump Ups and Alyssum to plant.

My Azalea is in bloom. The plant is from my dad's funeral (1992). It too, has followed me to Girasole Farm from our first home.

Trees in the Orchard are blossoming.
Nectarine blossoms.

We started to put up the Green House we bought at the end of last Summer.
So far all we accomplished was setting up a foundation. The rest we will finish later this week.
I picked up a old barn door that someone was tearing down and brought it home, it will serve as a side "porch" to store all my empty nursery pots. I have been a "Junker" long before it was the popular thing to do.
The Green house isn't particularly fancy, but it's a good small start. The kit was purchased at Harbor Freight.
The sun has been shining, although it has been cooler temperatures. Looks like we may even have some rain later this week. I won't complain, we need the rain.
The Girasole Lady

Friday, February 24, 2012

February Stuff

February has been more like Spring than Winter. We have been enjoying sunny days with temperatures in the 60's to almost 70 degrees.

We planted some new trees in the orchard. Early last year we had a bad freeze and it claimed two Cherry trees and a Plum tree, so we had to replace them. We planted a Western Red Bud tree, that I had picked up last Fall, and three Lilac bushes. I love Lilacs. I'm planning on spending time in the small garden this weekend, just cleaning and puttering around. I have four Peony bushes that need to be put in the ground.

The trees in the orchard are starting to blossom out. 

Week before last, February 15th, was Kristina's Birthday. 
(a decorated Hershey Bar) 
When Kristina was born her Gma Silva gave me Daffodils. I kept them and planted them in the yard at our little home.
When we sold our little home I dug them up and brought them here to Girasole Farm.
A true gift that keeps giving.

 Every year in February they start to bloom right around Kristina's Birthday.
I'm not a traditional vase person, I prefer to use old jars or pitchers. This jar comes from a collection of old jars that I got from my Grammy years ago. When this jar sets in the sun it turns a pale shade of pink.

Last weekend I picked up The New Sunset Western Garden Book at Costco. 
A great deal for $20.99!!!
Hopefully, I will get my camera outside and take some pictures so I can share what's been happening.
The Girasole Lady