Saturday, October 16, 2010

Renee's Garden Photo Contest

Hurray! My Sunflower photo won 2nd place in Renee's Garden Photo Contest 2010.
I have over 5000 pictures stored on my computer and this is my favorite.
Not only is it a beautiful picture, it is the inspiration for the name Girasole Farm. Girasole is the Italian word for sunflower.
This is my "moment" of fame, right? ok- I might be exaggerating a tad bit.
Speaking of "moments" last night I had my interview with Dori & Val from More Hip Than A Hippie
the Podcast will be aired next Wednesday October 20th.
Dori & Val were amazing at making me feel comfortable in front of a huge microphone looming in front of my face. By the time the interview was over I felt like we were old friends.
Huge hugs to my daughter, Kristina, for pushing me to do the interview and going with me to hold my hand.
Today I am attempting to take a few pictures of the Farm to design a new banner that is more personal.
It is also time to start putting the Summer garden to bed.
Right after our trip to the local Pumpkin Patch.
Happy Gardening
The Girasole Lady

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I have this fascination with Gourds. Last Summer (2009) I planted Gourds in the field. After researching several different methods on how to "cure" them, I stuck with the "let them alone on the vine until after the first freeze method"-that is how the Amish do it in Pennsylvania. After the cold weather set in I picked them from the field and set them just outside the garden under the Maple tree. They were "heavy" in weight, green in color, and starting to be covered in black/brown mold. I was certain I would find them in the Spring conglomerated in a big gooey pile of mucky mold. I did not give into the temptation to bring them inside and let them cure by the wood stove.                                               BEFORE
I passed by the Gourd pile several times during the winter afraid to touch them, or even look at them for that matter. They were getting darker and darker with the mold and changing beige in color.
When Spring finally arrived, and grass was shooting forth from the ground, the Gourd pile was almost completely hidden. I accidentally stepped on one and, as I practically fell over (yes-that seems to happen more often than you might imagine),  I was delighted to find that it was not the gooey mucky mess I had anticipated. WOW- the gourds were hard as rock, light as a feather, and had a cool rattle sound as your shook them.  I dug them out like a hidden treasure. I couldn't help but run around the field shaking them and yelling, "Look, look at my Gourds. They are beautiful". I collected all of them up and put them in the back of an old truck behind the shop.
 I have "Snowmen"  "Bowls" and "Dippers".
 After a Clorox bath.
I sprayed a clear coat on these.

My lovely friend, Christine MacShane featured some of the Gourds from Girasole Farm on her show, The House Whisperer,  yesterday.  I cannot wait to see how she finishes up with them.
Here is the link to  Christine's Show

If you are interested in purchasing a Gourd for crafting, or just dancing around with one in the field please email:
They are $10.00  $5.00 each.
Happy Gardening
The Girasole Lady